
The City Clerk serves as the link between City Council and citizens as well as between the Mayor and city employees.

The office of City Clerk for Village of Palmetto provides clerical, record keeping and administrative functions to the City Council and the City Manager.  In addition, this individual performs many tasks that assist in guiding and managing the operation of local government policy and law.  Below are just a few of the responsibilities of Village of Palmetto City Clerk.

  • Records and submits City Council meeting minutes
  • Custodian of the Municipal Seal
  • Collects, organizes, and maintains records 
  • Shall serve as auditor
  • Tax Collector
  • Keep accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements, and make written report of municipal finances to the mayor and board, at each regular meeting

Contact Info

Tonya Pitcher
224 E Railroad Avenue Palmetto, LA 71358
[email protected]

Believe In Yourself!

Group Members

Asst. Clerk
Ethel Rideau

Assistant to the Clerk
Ashley Kilcrease